Working Papers:
Recent Publications:
"PTAs and the Incidence of Antidumping Disputes", 2022, (joint with Robert Teh and Min Zhu), Journal of International Economics, v138, .
"The Impact of PTAs on the Duration of Antidumping Protection", 2023, (joint with Min Zhu), Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, 56:2, 553--592. .
"PTAs and the Duration of Antidumping Protection", in Ana Margarida Fernandes, Nadia Rocha and Michele Ruta (eds.), The Economics of Deep Trade Agreements, London: CEPR Press, 2021, 65-71, (joint with Min Zhu)
"Antidumping and Countervailing Duties", (2020) Handbook of Deep Trade Agreements, Aaditya Mattoo, Nadia Rocha, and Michele Ruta (eds.), World Bank, 319-42.
"What If? Tinkering with the Counterfactual A Comment on US-Washing Machines (Article 22.6-US)", (2021) World Trade Review,, 20(4), 421-435. (joint with Edward Balistreri and Petros Mavroidis)
"Indonesia – Safeguard on Certain Iron or Steel Products: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is not a duck", (2020) World Trade Review, 19:2, 152–163. (joint with Edwin Vermulst)
(Email me if you would like a pdf copy of any of the publications listed below.)
Prusa, Thomas
J., “An incentive compatible approach to the transfer pricing problem.” Journal
of International Economics 28(1/2) 1990: 155-172.
Prusa, Thomas
J., “An economic history and analysis of Section 337.” Technology, Trade,
and World Competition: Protecting Intellectual Property with Trade Sanctions,
(JEIDA, Washington, D.C., 1990).
3. Prusa, Thomas J. and James A. Schmitz, Jr.,
“Are new firms an important source of innovation?” Economic Letters
35(3) 1991: 339-342.
- Reprinted in Entrepreneurship
and Economic Growth, edited by Martin Carree and A. Roy Thurik (Edward
Elgar, 2006).
Prusa, Thomas
J., “The selection of antidumping cases for ITC determination.” in Robert E.
Baldwin (ed.), Empirical Studies of Commercial Policy. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1991: 47-74.
5. Prusa, Thomas J., “Why are so many
antidumping petitions withdrawn?” Journal of International Economics
33(1/2) 1992: 1-20. (Lead article)
- Reprinted in Economics Alert, 1(2), 1993.
- Reprinted in The
WTO and Anti-Dumping, edited by Douglas R. Nelson and Hylke
Vandenbussche (Edward Elgar, 2005).
Shabtai and Thomas J. Prusa, “Commercial policy towards multinational
corporations under imperfect information.” Review of International Economics
1(2) 1993: 164-179. (Winner of Award for
Outstanding International Economics Article)
7. Hansen, Wendy L. and Thomas J. Prusa, “Does
administrative protection protect? A reexamination of the U.S. Title VII and
escape clause statutes.” Regulation 16(1) 1993: 35-43.
- Reprinted in
La Puerta: A doorway into the academy. Edited by Carin Bigrigg, Mary
Friedman, Karen McKinney, Wanda Martin, Kate Warne, Rick Waters, and
William Waters. (Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1997).
Reiko and Thomas J. Prusa, “International standards for intellectual property
protection and R&D incentives.” Journal of International Economics
35(3/4) 1993: 251-273.
Prusa, Thomas
J., “Pricing behavior in the presence of antidumping law.” Journal of
Economic Integration 9(2) 1994: 260-289.
10. Prusa, Thomas J. and James A. Schmitz, Jr., “Can
companies maintain their initial innovative thrust?: A study of the PC software
industry.” Review of Economics and Statistics 76(3) 1994: 523-540.
11. Hansen, Wendy L. and Thomas J. Prusa, “The
road most taken: The rise of Title VII protection.” The World Economy 18(2)
1995: 295-313.
- Reprinted in The
WTO, Safeguards, And Temporary Protection From Imports, edited by Chad
P. Bown (Edward Elgar, 2006).
12. Donnenfeld, Shabtai and Thomas J. Prusa, “Monitoring
and coordination in MNCs: Implications for transfer pricing and intra-firm
trade.” Journal of Economic Integration 10(2) 1995: 230-255.
13. Prusa, Thomas J., “An overview of the impact
of U.S. unfair trade laws.” in Rafael Fernandez De Castro, William B.P. Robson,
and S. Dahlia Stein (eds.), Trading
Punches: Trade Disputes and Their Resolution Under NAFTA.
Washington, D.C.: National Planning Association, 1996: 183-205.
14. Hansen, Wendy L. and Thomas J. Prusa, “Cumulation
and ITC decision-making: The sum of the parts is greater than the whole.” Economic
Inquiry 34(4) 1996: 746-769. (Winner
of Award for Best Article)
15. Aoki, Reiko and Thomas J. Prusa, “Product
development and the timing of information disclosure under U.S. and Japanese
patent systems.” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies
10(3) 1996: 233-249.
16. Aoki, Reiko and Thomas J. Prusa, “Sequential
versus simultaneous choice with endogenous quality.” International Journal
of Industrial Organization 15(1) 1997: 103-122.
17. Hansen, Wendy L. and Thomas J. Prusa, “The
role of the median voter in U.S. trade policy: A historical analysis.” Economic
Inquiry 35(1) 1997: 97-107.
18. Prusa, Thomas J., “The trade effects of U.S.
antidumping actions,” in Robert C. Feenstra (ed.), Effects of U.S. Trade
Protection and Promotion Policies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1997: 191-214.
19. Hansen, Wendy L. and Thomas J. Prusa, “Economics
and politics: An empirical analysis of ITC decision-making.” Review of
International Economics 5(2) 1997: 230-245.
- Reprinted in
Douglas R. Nelson and Hylke Vandenbussche (eds.) The WTO and
Anti-Dumping, (Edward Elgar, 2005).
20. Prusa, Thomas J., “Cumulation and
antidumping: A challenge to competition.” The World Economy 21(8) 1998:
21. Koley, Dobrin R. and Thomas J. Prusa, “Tariff
policy for a monopolist in a signaling game.” Journal of International
Economics 49(1) 1999: 51-76.
22. Koley, Dobrin R. and Thomas J. Prusa, “Dumping
and Double Crossing: The Ineffectiveness Of Cost-Based Trade Policy Under
Incomplete Information.” International Economic Review 43(3) 2002:
23. Prusa, Thomas J., “On the Spread and Impact
of Antidumping,” Canadian Journal of Economics 34(3) August 2001:
591-611. (Lead article)
- Reprinted in
Douglas R. Nelson and Hylke Vandenbussche (eds.) The WTO and
Anti-Dumping, (Edward Elgar, 2005).
24. Prusa, Thomas J. and David Sharp, “A
simultaneous equations approach to antidumping injury investigations.” Journal
of Forensic Economics 14(1) 2001: 63-78.
25. Prusa, Thomas J. and Susan Skeath, “The
Economic and Strategic Motives for Antidumping Filings.” Weltwirtschaftliches
Archive 138(3) 2002: 389-413.
26. Fischer, Ronald, and Thomas J. Prusa, “WTO
Exceptions as insurance.” Review of International Economics 11(5) 2003:
745-757. (Lead article)
- Reprinted in
Chad P. Bown (ed.) The WTO, Safeguards, And Temporary Protection From
Imports, (Edward Elgar, 2006).
27. Blonigen, Bruce and Thomas J. Prusa, “Antidumping.”
in E. Kwan Choi and James Harrigan (eds.), Handbook of International
Economics. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2003: 251-284.
28. Durling, James P. and Thomas J. Prusa, “Using
Safeguard Protection to Raise Domestic Rivals' Costs.” Japan and the World
Economy 15(1) 2003: 47-68.
29. Blonigen, Bruce and Thomas J. Prusa, “The
Cost of Antidumping: The Devil is in the Details.” Journal of Policy Reform
6(4) December 2003: 233-245.
30. Knetter, Michael M. and Thomas J. Prusa, “Macroeconomic
factors and antidumping filings.” Journal of International Economics
61(1) 2003: 1-18. (Lead article)
- Reprinted in
Douglas R. Nelson and Hylke Vandenbussche (eds.) The WTO and
Anti-Dumping, (Edward Elgar, 2005).
31. Prusa, Thomas J. and Susan Skeath, “Modern
Commercial Policy: Managed Trade or Retaliation?” in E. Kwan Choi and
James Hartigan (eds.), Handbook of International Trade, Volume II: Economic
and Legal Analyses of Trade Policy and Institutions. Malden, MA: Blackwell
Publishing, 2004: 358-382.
32. Prusa, Thomas J., “The Growing Problem of
Antidumping Protection.” in Takatoshi Ito and Andrew K. Rose (eds.), International
Trade in East Asia, NBER-EASE Volume 14.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005: 329-359.
33. Prusa, Thomas J., “Antidumping: A Growing
Problem in International Trade.” The World Economy 28(5) May 2005:
34. Prusa, Thomas J., “East Asia's antidumping
problem.” The World Economy 29(6) June 2006: 743-761.
35. Durling, James P. and Thomas J. Prusa, “The
Trade Effects Associated with an Antidumping Epidemic: The Hot-Rolled Steel
Market, 1996-2001.” European Journal of Political Economy (special issue
on antidumping) 22(3) September 2006: 675-695.
36. Besedes, Tibor and Thomas J. Prusa, “Ins,
Outs, and the Duration of Trade.” Canadian Journal of Economics 39(1)
2006: 266-295.
37. Besedes, Tibor and Thomas J. Prusa, “Product
Differentiation and Duration of U.S. Import Trade?” Journal of International
Economics 70(2) December 2006: 339-358. (Lead article)
38. Chu, Tianshu and Thomas J. Prusa, “The
Reasons for and the Impact of Antidumping Protection: The Case of People’s Republic
of China.” in Philippa Dee and Michael Ferrantino (eds.), Quantitative
Methods for Assessing the Effects of Non-tariff Measures and Trade
Facilitation. Singapore: World Scientific Ltd. for APEC, 2005: 411-433.
39. Blonigan, Bruce and Thomas J. Prusa, “Antidumping.”
in Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume (eds.), New Palgrave Dictionary
of Economics 2nd Edition. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
40. Budetta, Michella, Thomas J. Prusa, and Robert
Teh “Trade remedy provisions in regional trade agreements.” in Antoni
Estevadeordal, Kati Suominen, and Robert Teh (eds.) Regional Rules in the
Global Trading System. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009:
41. Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst, “A
One-Two Punch on Zeroing: U.S. – Zeroing (EC) and U.S. – Zeroing (Japan).”World
Trade Review 8(1) January 2009: 187-241.
- Reprinted in
Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds.) The WTO Case Law of 2006-07,
(Cambridge University Press, 2009).
42. Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst, “Guilt
by Association: U.S. – Measures Relating to Shrimp from Thailand and U.S. – Customs
Bond Directive for Merchandise Subject to Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duties.” World Trade Review 9(1) January 2010:
- Reprinted in
Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds.) The WTO Case Law of 2008, (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
43. Besedes, Tibor and Thomas J. Prusa, “The
duration of trade relationships.” in Bernard Hoekman and Guido Porto (eds.), The Cost of Adjustments to Trade Reform.
Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2010: 265-282.
44. Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst, “United
States – Continued existence and application of zeroing methodology: The end of
zeroing?” World Trade Review 10(1)
2011: 45-61.
- Reprinted in
Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds.) The WTO Case Law of 2009, (Cambridge University Press, 2011).
45. Bown, Chad P. and Thomas J. Prusa, “U.S.
Antidumping: Much Ado about Zeroing.” in Will Martin and Aaditya Mattoo (eds.),
Unfinished Business? The WTO’s Doha
Agenda. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2011: 355-392.
46. Besedes, Tibor and Thomas J. Prusa, “The Role
of Extensive and Intensive Margins and Export Growth.” Journal of Development Economics 96(2) 2011: 371-379.
Prusa, Thomas J. and Robert Teh, “Protection Reduction and
Diversion: PTAs and the Incidence of Antidumping Disputes.” NBER working paper
16276 (August 2010).
Prusa, Thomas J. and Robert Teh, “Contingent Protection Rules in
Regional Trade Agreements.” in Kyle W. Bagwell and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds.), Preferential Trade Agreements.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011: 60-114.
Prusa, Thomas J., “Trade remedy provisions.” in Jean-Pierre
Chauffour and Jean-Christophe Maur (eds.),
Preferential Trade Agreement Policies for Development. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2011:179-196.
50. Li, Yue and Thomas J. Prusa, “Trade
Liberalization, Tariff Overhang and Antidumping Filings in Developing
Countries.” working paper, 2011.
51. Prusa, Thomas J., “United States: Evolving
Trends in Temporary Trade Barriers.” in Chad P. Bown (ed.), The Great Recession and Import Protection: The Role of Temporary Trade
Barriers. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2011: 53-83.
52. Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst, “United
States – Antidumping Measures on Polyethylene Retail Carrier Bags from
Thailand: A Cat in the Bag.” World
Trade Review 11(2) 2012: 257-271.
53. Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst, “United
States – Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from
China: Passing the Buck on Pass-Through.” World Trade Review 12(2) 2013: 197-234.
54. Rubini, Luca and Thomas J. Prusa, “United
States – Use of Zeroing in Anti-Dumping Measures involving Products from
Korea: It’s déjà vu all over again.” World
Trade Review 12(2) 2013: 409-425.
55. Durling, James P. and Thomas J. Prusa, “The
Problem of Double Remedies in International Trade Disputes and the Economics of
Pass-Through.” Tulane Journal of
International and Comparative Law 21(2) 2013: 513-544.
56. Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst, “China
– Countervailing and Anti-dumping Duties on Grain Oriented Flat-rolled
Electrical Steel from the United States: Exporting US AD/CVD Methodologies
through WTO Dispute Settlement?” World Trade Review 13(2) 2014: 229-266.
57. Besedes, Tibor and Thomas J. Prusa, “The
Hazardous Effects of Antidumping,” Economic
Inquiry. 55(1) 2017, 9-30. (Lead
58. Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst, “China –
Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duty Measures on Broiler Products from the
United States: How the chickens came home to roost.” World Trade Review 14(2) 2015: 287-335.
59. Mitchell, Andrew D. and Thomas J. Prusa, (2016).
China–Autos: Haven't We Danced This Dance Before?” World Trade Review, 15:2, 303-25.
60. Blonigen, Bruce and Thomas J. Prusa, “Dumping
and Antidumping Duties” in Kyle W. Bagwell and Robert W. Staiger (eds.), Handbook
of Commercial Policy, Volume 1B.
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, North Holland, 2016, 107-59
(Chapter 3).
61. Prusa, Thomas J. “Antidumping Provisions in
Preferential Trade Agreements”, in Jagdish N. Bhagwati, Pravin Krishna, and
Arvind Panagariya (eds.), The World Trade
System, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016, 117-48 (Chapter 5).
62. Mavroidis Petros C., Niall Meagher, Thomas J.
Prusa, and Tatiana Yanguas, “Ask for the Moon, Settle for the Stars: What is a
Reasonable Period to Comply with WTO Awards?” (2017) World Trade Review, 16:2, 395-425.
Supplemental Appendix Table" (Excel format)
65. Mavroidis Petros C. and Thomas J. Prusa, (2018)
“Zeroing in on Targeted Dumping: Did the AB Hit the Mark in US–Washing
Machines?”, World Trade Review, 17:2,
66. Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst, (2019) “United
States – Certain Methodologies and Their Application to Anti-Dumping
Proceedings Involving China: Hitting Nails in the Coffin of Unfair Dumping
Margin Calculation Methodologies.” World
Trade Review, 18: 2, 287–307.
67. Eisenberg, Ian A., Thomas J. Prusa, and
Shabbar F. Danish, “The Long-Term Financial Impacts of the Decision to Pursue a
Neurosurgical Career,” mimeo.
68. Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst, (2020) “Indonesia
– Safeguard on Certain Iron or Steel Products,” World Trade Review, 19:2, 1-12.
63. Prusa, Thomas J., “NMEs and the Double Remedies
Problem,” (2017) World Trade Review, 16:4, 619-34.
64. Prusa, Thomas J., “Are the Unfair Trade Laws
Fair?”, Harvard Economics Review,
Fall 2016, 27-30.
65. Mavroidis Petros C. and Thomas J. Prusa, (2018) “Zeroing in on Targeted Dumping: Did the AB Hit the Mark in US–Washing Machines?”, World Trade Review, 17:2, 239-64.
66. Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst, (2019) “United States – Certain Methodologies and Their Application to Anti-Dumping Proceedings Involving China: Hitting Nails in the Coffin of Unfair Dumping Margin Calculation Methodologies.” World Trade Review, 18: 2, 287–307.
67. Eisenberg, Ian A., Thomas J. Prusa, and Shabbar F. Danish, “The Long-Term Financial Impacts of the Decision to Pursue a Neurosurgical Career,” mimeo.
68. Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst, (2020) “Indonesia – Safeguard on Certain Iron or Steel Products,” World Trade Review, 19:2, 152-163.
69. Balistreri, Edward, Petros C. Mavroidis and
Thomas J. Prusa, (2021) “Tinkering with the Counterfactual: A Comment on
US–Washing Machines (Article 22.6-US),” World Trade Review, 20(4), 421-435.
70. Prusa, Thomas J., (2020) “Antidumping and
Countervailing Duties,” in Aaditya Mattoo, Nadia Rocha, and Michele Ruta
(eds.), Handbook of Deep Trade Agreements, World Bank, 319-42.
71. Prusa, Thomas J. and Min Zhu, (2021) “PTAs and
the Duration of Antidumping Protection,” in Ana Margarida Fernandes, Nadia
Rocha and Michele Ruta (eds.), The
Economics of Deep Trade Agreements, London: CEPR Press, 2021, Chapter 7, 65-71.
72. Prusa, Thomas J. and Min Zhu, (2023) “The Impact of PTAs on the Duration of Antidumping Protection,” ), Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, 56:2, 553—592. .
73. Prusa, Thomas J. Robert Teh, and Min Zhu, (2022) “PTAs and the Incidence of Antidumping Disputes,” ), Journal of International Economics, v138, .
Prusa, Thomas J., International Trade Policies,
Incentives, and Firm Behavior.
New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 1990.
Bruce B. and Thomas J. Prusa, Dumping and
Antidumping Trade Protection, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
Thomas J., Economic Effects of Antidumping, World Scientific, 2020.
Other Publications:
Prusa, Thomas
J., Review of P.K.M. Tharakan, ed., “Policy Implications of Antidumping
Measures (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1991) pp. xxii + 292, in Journal of
International Economics 32 (1/2) 1992: 198-200.
Wendy and Thomas J. Prusa, Response to T. Stewart’s comments on “Does administrative
protection protect?” in Regulation 16(2) 1993, 3-5.
Prusa, Thomas
J., Review of Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Kimberly Ann Elliott, Measuring the
Costs of Protection in the United States. Washington D.C.: Institute of
International Economics, in European Journal of Political Economy 10(3)
1994: 609-612.
Prusa, Thomas
J., Book review of Jagdish N. Bhagwati, Arvind Panagariya, and T. N. Srinivasan
, Lectures in International Trade, 2nd edition. Cambridge: The
MIT Press, 1998 in Comparative Economic Studies 40(4) Winter 1998:
Prusa, Thomas
J., Book review of Alan V. Deardorff and Robert M. Stern, Measurement of
Nontariff Barriers. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998 in Journal
of International Economics 55(1) 2001: 239-242.
Prusa, Thomas
J., Comments on Takatoshi Ito and Andrew K. Rose (eds.) “International R&D
deployment and Locational advantage: A case study of Taiwan.” International Trade in East Asia,
NBER-EASE, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005: 81-106 in International Trade in East Asia,
NBER-EASE, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005: 107-108.
7. Prusa, Thomas J., Review of World Trade Organization Trade Policy Review
– The United States 2004, World Trade Organization. Geneva, Switzerland:
WTO Publications, in The World Economy 28(9) 2005: 1263-1275.
- Reprinted in The
World Economy Global Trade Policy 2005, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, July
2006, 67-79.
8. Prusa, Thomas J., Comments on Joseph F.
Francois and David Palmeter, “US – Countervailing Duty Investigation of DRAMS.”
World Trade Review 7(1) 2008: 219-229
in World Trade Review 7(1) 2008: 231-234.
- Reprinted in The WTO Case Law of 2004-05, edited
by Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Prusa, Thomas
J., Book review of Gary Hufbauer, Jeffrey Schott, Kimberly Elliott and Barbara
Oegg, Economic Sanctions Reconsidered (3rd edition).
Washington, D.C.: Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2007, in Journal
of International Economics 76(1) September 2008: 135-137.
10. Prusa, Thomas J., Book review of Daniel
Cohen, Globalization and Its Enemies. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2006, in
Journal of Economic Literature 48(3) September 2008: 725-726.
11. Prusa, Thomas J., Book review of Philip
Bentley and Aubrey Silberston, Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Action:
Limits Imposed by Economic and Legal Theory. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar
Publishing, 2007, in Journal of Economic Literature 46(4) December 2008:
12. Prusa, Thomas J., Comments on Chad P. Bown
“China’s WTO Entry: Antidumping, Safeguards, and Dispute Settlement.”
forthcoming China's Growing Role in World Trade, Robert C. Feenstra and
Shang-Jin Wei (eds.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009.
13. Prusa, Thomas J., Comments on Terence P.
Stewart and Amy S. Dwyer “Antidumping: Overview of the Agreement,” in Law and Economics of Contingent Protection in International Trade, Kyle W.
Bagwell, George A. Bermann, Petros C. Mavroidis (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2009: 257-263.
14. Prusa, Thomas J., Comments on Claudio Dordi
“The Appellate Body interpretation of ‘sunset reviews’ provisions of AD and CVM
agreements: A critical analysis,” in Contingent Protection in the WTO: A Law
and Economics Analysis, Kyle W. Bagwell, George A. Bermann, Petros C.
Mavroidis (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009: 328-333.
15. Prusa, Thomas J., Review of World Trade Report 2009: Trade Policy
Commitments and Contingent Protection, World Trade Organization Geneva,
Switzerland: WTO Publications, 2009, in World
Trade Review 9(4) 2010: 679 -682.
16. Prusa, Thomas J. and Robert Teh, VoxEU
commentary, “Tilting the playing field: FTAs and the
changing pattern of protection,”
15 September 2010.
17. Moore, Michael and Thomas J. Prusa, VoxEU
commentary, “Straight out of Mad Men: U.S. markets import
protection as export promotion,”
8 November 2010. Longer version can be found here.
18. Prusa, Thomas J., Book review of Keith E.
Maskus, Private Rights and Public
Problems: The Global Economics of Intellectual Property in the 21st Century.
Washington, D.C.: Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2012, in Journal of International Economics 90(2)
2013: 425-426.
19. Prusa, Thomas J., “The Contribution of the
Japanese-Branded Automotive Industry to the United States Economy,” 2012,
working paper.
• "2012 Update," October 2013, working paper.
• "2013 Update," August 2014, working paper.
• "2014 Update (revised)," December, 2015, working paper.
• "2015 Update," July, 2016, working paper.
• "2017 Update," February, 2019, working paper.
• "2018 Update," May, 2019, working paper.
• "2022 Update," May, 2023, working paper.
20. Prusa, Thomas J., “The WTO at 20: An
Economist’s Perspective,” Journal of
International Trade Law and Policy, 14(3) 2015, 126-28.
21. Prusa, Thomas J., Book review of Lili Yan Ing
and Miaojie Yu (eds.) World Trade
Evolution: Growth, Productivity, and Employment. United Kingdom: Rutledge, 2019,
in The Economic Record 2020